Natalie’s Story – Gut Reaction

Natalie’s Story – Gut Reaction

My journey with The Bingley Physiotherapy Practice began in October 2016 when I started to see Liz for reflexology to help manage my pain levels during a flare up of Crohn’s Disease (one of the main Inflammatory Bowel Diseases which causes inflammation of the gut, which I have had since 1989). Liz took the time to research Crohn’s, and its various symptoms, and each week she would bring some new information for me or would adapt the session according to my symptoms.

I have continued with these weekly sessions to help keep in remission from Crohn’s, alongside immunosuppressant drugs. I find reflexology is crucial in managing both physical symptoms, and for relaxing the mind and body. I have also just started to take advantage of Liz’s new ScarWork skills to help improve a large scar from an operation in 1990.

In Autumn 2017, I had a consultation with Jacqui when a sprained ankle didn’t seem to be healing properly. She asked many questions about my lifestyle as a whole, including my history of Crohn’s and my commute to work. All became clear when she explained why my recurrent ankle sprains were the result of a combination of many things which weren’t necessarily obvious at first. I came away with a series of exercises to do in order to strengthen the ankle, as well as to improve my posture and my breathing. I had follow-up sessions to work further on preventing a re-occurrence, and to get my legs fit for skiing. As a result of Jacqui encouraging me to think about my posture and incorporate some of the exercises into regular yoga and gym routines, I suffer much less with lower back pain as well as no more sprained ankles.

In Summer 2018, I jumped at the chance to try Visceral Manipulation with Jacqui to try and address some of the after effects of my previous bowel surgery. Even after the first session, I could feel a big difference in the way that my body felt-more flexibility in bending, less bloating after eating, and less indigestion.

Both Liz and Jacqui have encouraged me to think about my whole lifestyle, and the health benefits of making small but significant adjustments. I can honestly say that it’s thanks to them that I am the healthiest I’ve been since I was 18!