COVID-19 Update

We are sure you are aware of the Government guidelines regarding dealing with the outbreak. We just wanted to let you know how we at the Bingley Physiotherapy Practice are working to help provide our service and keep people safe.

Currently it is “business as usual” with our appointments still going ahead, until further guidance is issued by the Government. We are making sure that we are looking carefully at our own personal hygiene, washing hands and using hand sanitiser before and after each patient (and obviously after using the bathroom). We have soap and hand gel available to anyone who visits the practice so they too can keep themselves safe. We are continuing our regular cleaning of the full practice with extra care being taken for areas that have the most contact.

We continue to follow and monitor official guidance from the UK Government and Public Health England carefully. It is of the utmost importance to us that we ensure all procedures are in place to support the health and well-being of you.

The Government recently explained that we are moving to the delay phase of managing the outbreak.  Following these new guidelines, we ask anybody with a new persistent cough or temperature to remain at home for 7 days. Please listen to advice and stay away if you feel unwell, that way we can ensure the safety and wellbeing of all our amazing clients.

We will update you accordingly with any further changes we may need to make in the future, but know we are doing everything possible to make the practice a safe environment to provide our services.

We would really appreciate, if you are feeling unwell or are self-isolating as a precaution, that you could let us know by email or phone if you are unable to come to your appointment. We are happy to rearrange your appointment to a time when you are sure you are well.

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